Be proactive and protect yourself now!
In the days of identity theft, we take great pride in protecting our client’s privacy, data, and documentation. We maintain the strictest confidence concerning our client’s information. All emails containing client data are password protected and we will not compromise on protecting your financial information. We are bound by the rules and regulations set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Rule 301—Confidential client information.
Due to the increased incidents of identity theft, Chick & Karo wants to make sure you have the proper information for filing your Tax Return. If you know or believe that your social security number has been used by others, contact our office for additional information on notifying the Internal Revenue Service on the special form that they have released. More information can be found on the IRS website, Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft.
Roughly 6 million people have their identities stolen every year. Of those 6 million people 640,000 (2011 statistics) will be victims of tax return fraud. Tax return fraud occurs when an identity thief uses your personal information to file… a return and get what would be your refund. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has seen a significant increase in refund fraud that involves identity thieves who file false claims for refunds by stealing and using someone’s Social Security number.
The investigative work done by Criminal Investigation (CI) is a major component of the IRS’s efforts to combat tax-related identity theft. Stopping identity theft and refund fraud is a top priority for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The agency’s work on identity theft and refund fraud continues to grow, touching nearly every part of the organization. For the this filing season, the IRS has expanded these efforts to better protect taxpayers and help victims.
If you suspect you have had your identity stolen you must file an Identity Theft Affidavit, Form 14039, with the IRS immediately. It is also recommended that you call your credit card companies and have your accounts frozen and new cards issued. For more information on how to protect your identity visit: Tips for Preventing Identity Theft and ways to Combat Identity Theft.